Tuesday 1 September 2009

New Machinery Day!!

It is New Machinery Day!!

I have decided it is time to go bigger - no not like that, I mean upgrade to bigger machinery. To this end my  7x14 minilathe and my X3 mill have been sold on eBay. I got good prices for both so I am pretty happy with the results - they both went to good homes.

I have replaced them with a 250mmx550mm (10x22 to our American cousins) lathe and a 6x26 knee mill. I got these from a local dealer - if you live in Melbourne you can do worse than Standaco in Nunawading.

The crane truck arrived this morning with my goodies on the back. Beautiful day - check out the sky.


Down comes the lathe...


It was much easier than I thought it would be - he basically used the crane jib to lower them straight under the roller door.


My shop now full of crates to unpack - mill in front, lathe in the middle and their respective stands at the back.


Couldn't resist a small peek before going in to work; the new mill sitting in its crate.


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